[SPN-Discussion] Sustainability & Climate Change in the 2016 Presidential Race

Hayley Martinez hmartinez at ei.columbia.edu
Tue Oct 13 11:58:50 PDT 2015

The Earth Institute and the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University are pleased to invite you to a panel event on 'Sustainability and Climate Change in the 2016 Presidential Race.' Moderated by NBC's Chuck Todd, the panel of experts will examine the Obama administration's efforts to take action on climate, look at which environmental issues will play a role in the upcoming election, and then look to our environmental future. Does it make a difference who wins the next presidency, and by how much? How do environmental issues get on a presidential agenda? Panelists will also discuss how much impact the national election will have on what happens in our cities and communities.

Join us for this exciting event on Thursday, October 29th on Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus, in the International Affairs Building, Room 1501, from 6pm - 7pm. The event will be followed by a light reception and an opportunity to discuss the event and mingle with participants.

Chuck Todd, Moderator of Meet the Press and Political Director, NBC News

Steve Cohen, Executive Director, the Earth Institute and Professor of Practice, School of International and Public Affairs
William Eimicke, Director, Picker Center for Executive Education and Professor of Practice, School of International and Public Affairs
Emily Lloyd, Commissioner, New York City Department of Environmental Protection

This event is free and open to the public. RSVP required here<http://www.earth.columbia.edu/events/view/80087>. And join the conversation on twitter! #VoteSustainability2016

Hayley Martinez
Program Coordinator, Executive Director's Office
The Earth Institute | Columbia University
Tel: (212) 851-9554 | Fax: (212) 854-6309
hmartinez at ei.columbia.edu<mailto:hmartinez at ei.columbia.edu>

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