[SPN-Discussion] GreenHomeNYC {Green Careers} February 2018: Telling Your Sustainability Story Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 6:30 PM

Pamela Berns pam at greenhomenyc.org
Fri Feb 9 07:11:14 PST 2018

What got you involved in sustainability? Learn how to effectively share your story and describe why sustainability is important to you.

Having a story to explain how you got where you are and why you are interested in certain career is one of the best ways to connect with an interviewer, fellow networker or anyone else with whom you are discussing your career ambitions. A story lets you showcase your past successes, experiences and connections; share your passions; and demonstrate the unique perspective that you bring to the table. It can also help you discover what exactly you want from a position and what other options you should be looking for. Join us at the next GreenHome NYC Careers event "Telling Your Sustainability Story" to hear stories and learn how to craft your own to make yourself a compelling prospect in today's market.

Workshop Facilitator: Jacquelyn Ottman
Jacquelyn Ottman is an internationally recognized expert and author of five award-winning books on the subject of green marketing. Following a passion first identified at age four when she pulled board games from the neighbor’s trash, and later as her high school’s recycling coordinator, since 1989 as founder and principal, J. Ottman Consulting, she has helped to guide the green marketing strategies of over 60 Fortune 500 companies, and the U.S. EPA’s Energy Star and the USDA’s Certified Biobased labels. In April 2012, she founded WeHateToWaste.com, a curated platform with the goal of identifying ways to change consumption culture through the prism of zero waste. She is certified as a Zero Waste Professional by the U S Zero Waste Business Council, and is the chair, Residential Recycling Committee of the Solid Waste Advisory Board to the Manhattan Borough President.

As always, after the event itself, there will be further networking over drinks at a nearby bar.


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