[SPN-Discussion] Climate Communcation: Webinar Weds with Max Boykoff, Noon EST. Bard National Climate Seminar series

Eban Goodstein ebangood at bard.edu
Tue Apr 28 07:47:07 PDT 2020

The Bard Center for Environmental Policy / The National Climate Seminar

Creative Climate Communication

Professor Max Boykoff
Director, Center for Science & Technology Policy Research
University of Colorado

Webinar, Wednesday April 29, 12 Noon EST.


Meeting ID: 960 7185 6208

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,96071856208# US (New York)

Join Dr. Boykoff in a discussion of his recent book Creative (Climate)
Communication: Productive Pathways for Science, Policy and Society
University Press).

This webinar is part of a year-long project: *Solve Climate By 2030*
<http://www.solveclimateby2030.org/>  sponsored by *The Bard Center for
Environmental Policy* <http://www.bard.edu/cep>  The project takes as its
starting point recent IPCC report that we have only ten years to forestall
catastrophic climate change. Tthe project culminated on April 7, 2020
in a national
Power Dialog: 52 simultaneous, university hosted webinars, one in every
state, DC and Puerto Rico. In these webinars, local climate solutions
experts suggested three ambitious but feasible state, urban, utility or
business initiatives that need to occur in Tennessee and Idaho, Missouri and
 New Jersey, Florida and Minnesota,  if we aim to forestall catastrophic
climate change. These state webinars are available in recorded versions here
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHoKHTESDOZJ9PYTSR8Av2w/videos>, and can
be used to #MakeClimateaClass this semester.

Learn more at  *Solve Climate By 2030* <http://www.solveclimateby2030.org/> ,
and *sign up here *
stay informed about the project.

Dr. Eban Goodstein /  Director, Graduate Programs in Sustainability / Bard

MBA in Sustainability <http://www.bard.edu/mba>
MS in Environmental Policy and MS in Climate Science and Policy
M. Ed in Environmental Education

ebangood at bard.edu
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