[SPN-Discussion] Join us for the Climate Candidates Accelerator April 29th - 30th

Katherine Walsh kpswalsh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 12:53:22 PDT 2022

[image: Climate Candidates April 29 - 30th.jpg]

*Climate Candidates <http://www.climatecandidtes.org/> Virtual Accelerator:*
*Running for Local and State Office *
Friday, April 29th Evening & Saturday, April 30th Daytime

We want YOU to join us for our Climate Candidates
<https://climatecandidates.org/> Accelerator on *April 29 to 30th
(virtually). *The warnings could not be clearer: we need to act now to
limit the irreversible impacts of climate change. Local and state
leadership across the United States is crucial to make the kind of
transformative changes we need ---- And that leadership is determined by
local and state elections, sometimes by just a handful of voters. This
means we need to run climate champions at every level of government.

Climate Candidates <https://climatecandidates.org/> is catalyzing climate
leaders in planning, advocacy, policy, engineering, etc with the
inspiration, tools, resources, and network to run for local and state
elected office. Join us for a two day, interactive virtual workshop with
fellow climate champions across the United States, speakers and
trainers on *April 29th
- 30th*. Interested individuals are climate champions who want to learn
more about what it takes to run for local office. Schedule listed here
<https://climatecandidates.org/climate-candidate-accelerator/>. Please fill
out this short form to indicate *your interest *
<https://climatecandidates.org/>* as soon as possible- we will confirm
participation by April 24th.*

Climate Candidates Organizers - Katie, Rob, Tessa, Max
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