[SPN-Discussion] Thurs: Social Enterprise + Leading Change, Virtual Conference launches new opportunity

Eban Goodstein ebangood at bard.edu
Mon Apr 17 04:20:14 PDT 2023

Please forward to colleagues interested in social and environmental
entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship--

Dear Colleague:

You are invited to an exciting event that the Bard MBA in Sustainability is
planning for April 20th in New York City, with an option to attend
virtually as well.

A free, informational conference will celebrate the launch of our Certificate
in Social Enterprise and Leading Change
an innovative program that opens world-wide undergraduate and graduate
student access to an inexpensive, project-based, top-ranked curriculum that
provides leadership training in the critical thinking and skill sets needed
to create and build both nonprofit and mission-driven for-profit
organizations. Launching: A New Global Certificate in Social Enterprise +
Leading Change

Who should attend? Educators from schools lacking this kind of curriculum,
who want to both provide access to their students, and also build local
capacity to support and advise students aspiring to careers
as social entrepreneurs and sustainable business leaders.  Please forward
this invitation to faculty or your administrators who might be interested
in learning more about this opportunity.

The conference will be held in Brooklyn at 20 Jay Street on April 20 (also
live streamed) from 2-5PM.

Hunter Lovins and Alejandro Crawford, Bard MBA professors who developed the
curriculum, will keynote the conference. They and others will speak about
this unique opportunity for undergrad and graduate students to develop
leadership and business skills, engage with colleagues from universities
around the world and earn accreditation in Social Enterprise. You will
learn about our innovative technology platform, RebelBase
a powerful collaborative platform on which students build intrapreneurial
and entrepreneurial projects, with access to a global ecosystem of mentors,
partners and investors.

The project’s “train the trainer” model also supports local faculty to gain
experience teaching as part of a global teaching collaborative, building
local expertise.

We hope you will join us for the event, either in-person or virtually. Register
will also be a virtual conference from 10AM to Noon, for educators in Mid
Eastern and East Asian time zones.

Here are videos of the impact of the pilot program in Bangladesh
 and Palestine
There is participation as well from a growing number of US institutions,
including Bard and St Mary's College in Maryland, along with international
participants from Colombia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and China.

Please contact my colleague Amy Kalafa akalafa at bard.edu if you have any
questions regarding the event, and feel free to forward / share this
invitation with your colleagues.

We look forward to speaking with you about the Global Certificate
in Social Enterprise!


Eban Goodstein, Director, Bard MBA in Sustainability

More Information:



Dr. Eban Goodstein (he/his)

Vice President, Environmental and Social Leadership

Director, Graduate Programs in Sustainability <http://gps.bard.edu>

Bard College, New York

#1 Green MBA
| The Princeton Review

Schedule a Call <https://meetings.hubspot.com/ebangood> | ebangood at bard.edu
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