[SPN-Discussion] *Final* call for 2023 spring Pipeline Angels applications this week!

Natalia Oberti Noguera natalia.oberti_noguera at aya.yale.edu
Thu Mar 9 06:12:53 PST 2023


Hope you're doing well and staying safe.

We will be closing our call for applications for our 2023 spring signature
angel investing program *on Friday* and would love your help spreading the
word--here's my LinkedIn post
here's a social media post template:

Change the Face of Angel Investing with Pipeline Angels--Apply by March 10

*If you haven't had a chance to invite someone in your network to
apply, **now’s
the time!*

*Please forward them this note and encourage them to fill out our short
online application <https://form.typeform.com/to/IwMvNPWt> this week.*

Thanks in advance for your help amplifying!

Natalia (she/her)


Natalia Oberti Noguera (she/her)
Founder & CEO, Pipeline Angels
Email: natalia at pipelineangels.com
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