[SPN-Discussion] Join Bill McKibben: Weds Noon Webinar on Mobilizing Your Climate Ed. Community

Eban Goodstein ebangood at bard.edu
Tue Nov 7 09:50:14 PST 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I'm writing to encourage you to attend a webinar *tomorrow* with *author
and activist, Bill McKibben.* It's at *12 PM EST (New York Time)*. During
this one-hour webinar, we will explore how you can mobilize your
educational community on the issue of climate change and further integrate
climate justice into your curriculum, no matter the subject. There will
also be the opportunity to learn about *Worldwide Climate and Justice
Education Week <http://worldwide-climate-ed.org/>, *a global educational
initiative of Bard College <http://gps.bard.edu/> and the Open
Society University Network.

You can register here.

*Join Bill McKibben To Learn About Climate Education Week on 11/8

Activist, author, founding member of 350.org and founder of Third Act
<https://thirdact.org/>, Bill McKibben will contextualize this moment in
the movement for climate justice and the need for climate education. We
will then be joined by Dr. Eban Goodstein and Dr. David Blockstein —
co-founders and directors of *Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week* —
who will share more about how you and your institution can participate in
this global initiative.

*RSVP Today


Dr. Eban Goodstein (he/his)

Vice President, Environmental and Social Leadership

Director, Graduate Programs in Sustainability <http://gps.bard.edu>

Bard College, New York

#1 Green MBA
| The Princeton Review

Schedule a Call <https://meetings.hubspot.com/ebangood> | ebangood at bard.edu
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