[SPN-Discussion] Help Us Amplify Final Call for Apps for 2024 Spring Pipeline Angels Cohort!

Natalia Oberti Noguera natalia.oberti_noguera at aya.yale.edu
Tue Mar 12 12:55:00 PDT 2024

Dear SPN,

We're closing our public call for applications for our signature angel
investing program this Friday (March 15, 2024) and would welcome your help
spreading the word:

Change the Face of Angel Investing--Apply to Pipeline Angels by March 15

Haven't had a chance to invite someone in your network to apply to Pipeline
Angels? Now’s your opportunity to share the transformational Pipeline
Angels experience and community.

Folks in your network can apply here <https://form.typeform.com/to/IwMvNPWt>

Thank you in advance for amplifying our call for applications and inviting
your network to join us!

Natalia (she/her)

*P.S. Our pitch summit application will remain open until Friday, April 10,
2024--founders can apply here <https://form.typeform.com/to/SeIvypzx>.*
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