[SPN-Discussion] SCC-AASHE webinar series: "Pedagogy in Education for Sustainable Development"

Ira Feldman ira at greentrack.com
Tue Jun 14 09:38:09 PDT 2016

“advancing curriculum and faculty development
for sustainability in higher education”
SCC Update – June 2016

SCC-AASHE webinar series: "Pedagogy in Education for Sustainable Development"

Susan Santone and Jess Gerrior to each lead two webinars
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One registration will secure access codes for all 4 webinars. There is no fee for this webinar series. To register <mailto:curriculumforsustainability at gmail.com?subject=pedagogy&body=Name%3A%0AAffiliation%3A%0AEmail%3A%20%0APhone%3A>, send email with subject “pedagogy” to SCC email (curriculumforsustainability at gmail.com <mailto:curriculumforsustainability at gmail.com?subject=pedagogy&body=Name%3A%20%0AAffiliation%3A%0AEmail%3A%0APhone%3A>) with your contact information (name, affiliation, email and phone).
Webinar 1 – Tuesday, June 21 at 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific
Beyond Science: Framing Sustainability to Welcome All Disciplines 
Facilitator: Susan Santone
Description: Colleges and universities trying to integrate sustainability across the curriculum often encounter a common stumbling block: the perception that sustainability is relevant only to environmental science. This false belief can keep non-science faculty away from the table. This webinar will provide participants with a framing of sustainability that creates entry points for all disciplines. The session will introduce a set of transdisciplinary concepts and show how ‘overlaying’ these concepts onto existing topics results in a fresh, sustainability-based lens for instruction. Examples from multiple disciplines will demonstrate how all faculty can locate sustainability connections to field, setting the stage for integration across the curriculum.

Webinar 2 – Tuesday, June 28 at 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific
Language and Inclusion: Educational leadership practices that enhance learners' sense of ecological identity and efficacy 
Facilitator: Jess Gerrior
Description: How sustainability conversations begin, who is invited to the table, and who is left out can determine how learners - including faculty, students, and other members of learning organizations - identify with and feel motivated to take on the broad issue of sustainability. Sustainability leaders know that it is about more than environmental problem-solving - that generating momentum for sustainable change involves difficult social, economic, and political conversations. What models and methods can educators use to create inviting spaces for learners to develop new and deeper connections to "sustainability"? This webinar will be a participatory dialogue/exchange.

Webinar 3 – Tuesday, July 12 at 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific
Sustainability at the Heart of Learning: Aligning sustainability with institutional, departmental, and classroom values for better student outcomes
Facilitator: Jess Gerrior
Description: The intellectual work of designing, delivering, and evaluating transdisciplinary sustainability curriculum, together with the practical work of enacting sustainability knowledge and skills in the physical environment are both essential to education for sustainability. But unless the "head" and "hands" are connected with the "heart" - the cultural, sociopolitical, moral values of learning communities - they can only reach so far. Here we will exchange ideas and practices for tapping into what moves educators/leaders - teaching sustainability from the inside out.

Webinar 4 – Tuesday, July 19 at 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific
Course Redesign Strategies
Facilitator: Susan Santone
Description: ‘Integrating sustainability’ into a course means adapting both content and pedagogy to create a learning experience that is more interdisciplinary, experiential, and focused on authentic problem-solving. How can instructors juggle all of these demands without designing a syllabus from scratch? This session will present a step-wise instructional process for meeting this challenge. This approach, used with colleges and universities across the country, results in high-impact courses that integrate core sustainability concepts; promote civic involvement; and align outcomes, assessment and instruction. Attendees will walk away with a design framework that brings learners through a process of engagement, deep inquiry, decision-making, and positive action. The webinar will illuminate that ‘integrating sustainability’ is fundamentally about effective teaching and learning. Therefore, this session is especially recommended for faculty development specialists—especially those who may falsely believe that sustainability is environmental education.

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