[SPN-Discussion] Info Webinars 7/7: WORLDWIDE TEACH-IN / CLIMATE & JUSTICE, 3.30.2022

Eban Goodstein ebangood at bard.edu
Tue Jun 29 13:05:46 PDT 2021


*Sign up for Information Sessions July 7

Dear Colleagues,

On March 30, 2022 help mobilize half a million people, in-person and
on-line, in a *WORLDWIDE TEACH-IN on climate solutions and justice*. Join our
next 30-minute virtual information session on July 7
times) to learn how to easily organize a three-hour teach-in on your campus
that will engage hundreds of students.  Please also watch this brief intro
video that details the project <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl7aqDfVJZ8>,
and visit the Teach-In site <https://gps.bard.edu/world-wide-teach-in> for
more information.

We all have limited bandwidth, but time is short. There is no more
important work for educators at this critical moment for humanity. Help
focus the world on urgent action to stabilize the climate. Please alert all
climate-concerned University and K-12 educators and students you know of
the July 7 information sessions
They do not have to be climate experts: just people from any discipline who
are looking for ways to promote effective action on climate education.

The WORLDWIDE TEACH-IN <https://gps.bard.edu/world-wide-teach-in> is a
project of the Graduate Programs in Sustainability at Bard College in New
York, USA, in conjunction with global partners and the Open Society
University Network. Join us on July 7
learn more. Sign up here
stay informed.

Please contact us with any questions: solveclimate2030 at gmail.com.

Thank you for the work you are doing,

Eban Goodstein, Co-Director
David Blockstein, Co-Director


Dr. Eban Goodstein (he/his)


Bard Graduate Programs in Sustainability <http://gps.bard.edu>

#1 Green MBA
| The Princeton Review

Schedule a Call <https://meetings.hubspot.com/ebangood> | ebangood at bard.edu


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