[SPN-Discussion] Pipeline Angels relaunches this fall!

Natalia Oberti Noguera natalia.oberti_noguera at aya.yale.edu
Thu Sep 8 10:03:43 PDT 2022


Hope you're doing well and staying safe.

We're in the midst of an exciting transition at Pipeline Angels
<http://pipelineangels.com/>--stay tuned for more details!

In the meantime, thrilled to share that our 2022 fall signature programs
will launch late October and will continue to be virtual to prioritize our
community's safety and increase accessibility. Additionally, our classes
and pitch summits will continue to be location-specific to encourage local
capital for local entrepreneurs.

Would welcome your help spreading the word:

Change the face of angel investing--apply to Pipeline Angels
http://eepurl.com/h9HU41  <http://eepurl.com/h9HU41>

Pipeline Angels relaunches this fall! http://eepurl.com/h9HU41

Invitation -> Apply to Pipeline Angels http://eepurl.com/h9HU41

Thank you and more to come soon!

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